Monday 27 April 2015

Product, Range and Distribution - Part 2: Campaign Pack

 I have begun to plan out what designs I need to create for the Campaign. So far I have decided on:

• Small stickers that can go over the computer camera
• A range of posters to raise awareness
• A tote bag (I can make support packs that people can buy or I could give away. The bag could hold it all)
• Badges
• Tshirt
• Info book that would explain more.
• An app

This is a wide range of products that will really help visually to establish my campaign. Now I really need to fine tune my campaign so I know exactly what the point is.

I want to think of a catchy three word slogan which I can print onto bags and badges etc... something that would really sum up the campaign. Something like:

• Stop Surveillance Society
• Stop Surveilling Society
• No To Surveillance
• Don't Watch Us
• They Are Watching

I think once I have a strong slogan it will kick the designing process off.

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