This poster is on the reverse of the leaflet. This will give people something to keep and stick on their wall.
Thursday, 30 April 2015
Study Task 03: Disobedient Objects North
Product, Range and Distribution: Research Book Cover
I have decided to create book covers for each of my research books. Currently I have divided my research into 4 section/ 4 books:
• News articles (the beginnings of my research)
• Contextual reseach
• Campaign Research
Each of these four books contains all the research and content which has inspired and influenced the practical side of this brief.
A few months ago we had a CRIT and it was suggested that I researched into this font called ZXX. It has been designed to be unrecognisable by computers. I have decided to use this font style for my book covers. It links nicely to the research project and provides a visual connection and example of the research.
I haven't been able to find a link to download the font, the image itself is of low quality so I have decided to create it myself. The grimey, scribbled appearance reflects the unclear and messy situation.
I have been able to create each letter individually and create a word. Using a range of fonts with different widths. Getting rid of structure and adding inconstancies has helped to break away from the norm. I think my version still needs work, the font that I have chosen isn't thick enough for the purpose however it is definitely on its way.
I originally had the idea of using TV static as the backing to symbolise a loss in connection, nothingness. However trying to combine this with the red and blue of the logo hasn't gone well. The logo is hard to read in the bottom right, the background is too busy and makes it hard to read.
The white alone instead of coloured text looks a lot better, this will also be cheaper to print. The logo can easily be converted into black and white.
Removing the static and having a clean white background keeps the attention on the type which should be the focus. The eyes in the middle could be kept throughout the book range to keep it consistent.
The repeat in rectangles again repeats the idea of Redacted lines which have been used in my practical elements. This will help to tie the research to the physical outcomes. The repeat of the eyes works well but definitely needs to use different eyes.
The eyes I originally used were taken from the collage I made at the beginning of the project. I have tried to crop down other large eyes (above) however these aren't as successful.
I will keep searching for appropriate eyes to use however until then I think the cover would work well as just three black rectangles with the information in it. It doesn't need to be overly complicated. Any kind of backing distracts from the already busy type. The type really needs to be the bold centre of attention.
Product, Range and Distribution - Part 2: Bag Print Design
The symbolic piece of graphics I designed the other day has been turned into a pattern which will be screen printed onto tote bags in support of the campaign.
Design Idea 1
Firstly A 4 x 6 grid of triangles was created. The detailling didn't show up, the bricks especially were hard to make out. I decided to remove the bricks and just have solid black as when it comes to screenprinting it won't print well or clearly if the lines are too small.
A row and column was removed to make the pattern bigger, the bricks have also gone. This now looks a lot clearer, however the pattern itself isn't interesting or that aesthetically pleasing.
Some triangles were rotated 180 degrees so that it produces a mirroring affect. This still isn't perfect; the sharp points of the top of the triangle against the flat bottom of the next one looks disjointed. The pattern looks like its suddenly ended and the begun again, there is no flow to it.
By alternating every other triangle they are now all touching. Diamonds have been formed with geometric rivers running the design. This alone wouldn't look great screen printed, however it will provide a good background pattern.
'Stop Watching Us' is obviously aimed at companies like the NSA who use our online data to watch what we are doing. However without knowing what the campaign is about, the design looks interesting and eye catching. The red boxes fit in with the poster design already completed. Red against black and white provides a strong contrast and frames the type well. The saying 'stop watching us' with emphasis on the US it provokes the feeling of solidarity; we are all in this together and we all don't want to be watched.
Again, I think if you didn't know what the campaign was saying 'stop watching us may, to outsiders, sound like the person is paranoid. However I think it is a strong statement that would get people thinking. I have included 'The Eagles Eye' in the bottom right so that viewers have a name to search to find out more. I made a conscious` decision to leave out the logo because I think it would clash with the busy pattern and distract from the real message.
Design Idea 2
I want to create at least two different tote bags. If this campaign was to actually pick up it would be good to have a range of products so that supporters can find something that they like whilst also showing their support.
A print of the image alone would work well because it would be a lot bigger allowing room for all the design to be seen properly. I didn't want the statement to be overly big as all the attention should be on the triangle. The image depicts what is happening with the NSA so in a way, it speaks for itself. This could work across T-shirts as well as tote bags.
I have experimented with having the eagles eye in the bottom right and stop the watch in the left. This is one way I could put the campaigns information in without distracting from the design or taking over.
I have decided to change 'Watching' to 'Spying' as spying sounds more invasive and less paranoid. It has made the design feel more like a statement and the alliteration of Stop Spying strengthens the message.
Vanessa and I spoke about the designs and one main thing Ness pointed out was that I wouldn't use a bag that said 'stop spying on us' . Although it highlights the campaign it would perhaps be better to produce a pattern which people would actually use or want to be seen using. This would also make screen printing a lot easier as it would remove one of the colours meaning less screens, less work.
I have also decided that the circular design should always be upright even if the triangle is upside down.
This is the same original bag print idea however I have changed the typeface from Hussar to ZXX. Originally I couldn't find the font to download however since then I have been given a copy of it. The font will feature in the majority of my work because of the purpose of its design; not to be legible online. Not only does the font fit conceptually but it also aesthetically works really well with the designs. Its type writer style gives the work a 'hand rendered' appearance.
This again, is the pattern just without the type over the top. It could work however, I question its attractiveness as a pattern and don't think it would be something people would use, or at least it wouldn't be the most popular.
Creating a triangle out of the smaller triangles has strengthened the design, again reinforcing the idea of the triangular structure of society.
Rotating the triangle so that it points down symbolises the campaign turning society on its head. Obviously not something that's possible however it is a nice idea that the campaign questions society with the very few powerful at the top.
Wednesday, 29 April 2015
Product, Range and Distribution: The NSA Have Your Nude Pics
I had one idea for a poster range called '...The NSA knows'. It would consist of a range of, perhaps embarrassing, statements which the NSA would know. I have already got a list of what the NSA have access to and what they can actually do HERE. This will help to provide the statements.
Below is a collection of news articles and summaries relating to this topic:
John Oliver Interviewed Edward Snowdon in Russia about the NSA. The article was really interesting and has definitely reinforced the idea of 'The NSA knows...' campaign. He tells Snowdon that not many Americans know who he is or what he did, he said that if they had heard of him they thought he was 'the wiki leaks guy'. One thing he said that American people are outraged at is the thought that the NSA have their d--k pics.
The story was published on the 6.04.15 which was earlier this month, this shows that this news story is still relevant which is reassuring for my campaign.
Edward Snowden Says NSA Workers Pass Around Your Nude Photos
Another news story from last year explaining the situation. You’ve got young enlisted guys, 18 to 22 years old, they’ve suddenly been thrust into a position of extraordinary responsibility where they now have access to all of your private records. If they see an attractive picture of a naked girl, they show their colleagues who then say "oh show John" and it goes on and on....
The article had a sentence which I really like and would like to use in the poster range as an explanation: The fact that your private records, your private lives, records of your intimate moments have been taken from your private communication stream, from your intended recipient, by the government without any specific need, is a violation of your rights.
Racy Photos Were Often Shared at N.S.A., Snowden Says
Another interesting story really showing a clear problem and invasion of privacy. I didn't realise that the British government often pioneered the most invasive surveillance programs because its intelligence services operate with fewer restrictions intended to protect individual privacy compared to its counterparts in the United States and other allies.
After reading these stories I want to persue 'The NSA knows" idea as a range of posters. Although this is a minor part of all the wring they are doing, it is the thing that is most likely to get people talking and thinking. A lot of people don't care about the NSA watching and perhaps don't even think it affects them. However by approaching it from this angle people will care because it is about them and a complete violation of the privacy rights. If someone took a naked photo, it puts them in a vulnerable position even if they just sent it to their partner. The sudden idea that other people have seen it and passed it round could be quite shocking and begin to make people think that its not right.
Although all of this came out in July last year, an interview with John Oliver at the beginning of this month shows that it is still an issue that people seem to know very little about.
Covered: Crit
This is my current book cover design which I showed at the crit. The concept behind it is to reflect both how Nietzsche and Christianity refers to Christians as sheep, in Nietzsche's case he speaks about a herd mentality. He argues Christians have a heard mentality where they are docile, they follow rather than lead. Christians also see themselves as sheep but sheep in the Bible are seen as God's chosen people. The contrast in how they both view sheep has created an interesting dynamic.
The crit itself wasn't actually that useful, however afterwards I spoke to Danny and he suggested a few different ideas to try.
• The sheep all in white
This would make the pattern more solid as well as being a lot easier to screenprint. Danny made a good point that the type and pattern does look like a classic design, something which I quite like. However making the sheep solid white would contrast the traditional type and create more of a contemporary cover. The contrast of a contemporary cover and traditional type would reflect the classic book whilst updating it and making it more appropriate for an new younger audience.
• Diagonal
Perhaps trying the sheep pattern at a diagonal would add a new interesting element rather that the rigid grid. This is something I will definitely try however I question how this will work with the type, it might look disjointed.
By removing the outer lines of sheep and leaving a green frame it would help to make the page less crammed and would also look better than the sheep going over the page.
• Change in Direction
The sheep could alter which way they go so each line is different ie left, right, left, right. This could create rivers through the design which would help to break up the grid and add more movement to the design.
The crit itself wasn't actually that useful, however afterwards I spoke to Danny and he suggested a few different ideas to try.
• The sheep all in white
This would make the pattern more solid as well as being a lot easier to screenprint. Danny made a good point that the type and pattern does look like a classic design, something which I quite like. However making the sheep solid white would contrast the traditional type and create more of a contemporary cover. The contrast of a contemporary cover and traditional type would reflect the classic book whilst updating it and making it more appropriate for an new younger audience.
• Diagonal
Perhaps trying the sheep pattern at a diagonal would add a new interesting element rather that the rigid grid. This is something I will definitely try however I question how this will work with the type, it might look disjointed.
By removing the outer lines of sheep and leaving a green frame it would help to make the page less crammed and would also look better than the sheep going over the page.
• Change in Direction
The sheep could alter which way they go so each line is different ie left, right, left, right. This could create rivers through the design which would help to break up the grid and add more movement to the design.
As Danny suggested I made all the sheep a solid white. However this hasn't worked as well as I was hoping. They are no longer recognisable as sheep but rather look like white blobs. From a distance they create the dog tooth pattern, although this is cool its not what I wanted.
Keeping the sheep white and removing the outer frame again looks odd. I think its because the strip containing the text continues past the sheep, plus the shade of green is quite a gross shade without the sheep to cover it. It suddenly looks bold and frames the work rather than creating a pattern.
Turning the sheep to an angle created quite an interesting affect. Perhaps this is something to explore more. It makes the sheep into more of a pattern compared to just in a neat line.
Tuesday, 28 April 2015
Product, Range and Distribution - Part 2: Visual Idea
I wanted to create a piece of symbolic work. After all the research I did I have tried to incorporate the NSA problem into one visual graphic which I can then screen print onto bags and T-shirts to support the campaign.
Researching into Illuminati artwork has been useful as it is similar to what I want to produce however I want mine to be a bit simpler. The designs are interesting and provide me with a good example and base to work from.
Creating the Design
The triangle is an equilateral which means the circle will sit in it perfectly touching each edge and leaving an equal amount of the triangles corners on show.
I didn't actually screenshot any work before I had the key hole idea. The eye looked lost by itself, it was almost just floating in the middle of the page. I had the idea of it peaking through a key hole. Normally when you see and eye showing through the key hole it implies spying; watching on people without their permission or knowledge. This fits perfectly with what the NSA is doing.
The lines looked too long when spread out. The middle ones especially, they look more like arms that vision lines.
The eye was made bigger as this is the central problem! They are watching without permission.
The black background was supposed to fill up the space more and break up the white. However I wasn't really sure if it worked, the solid black may be too heavy.
I explored the use of a maze as this nicely symbolises how complicated the whole situation is. However after trying it at different sizes I have decided not to use a maze as this will be harder to print screen printing. I will be limited to how big I could print it as the ink may spread.
In the end I decided just to outline the bottom part of the key hole to balance it with the top. I still think this design needs something extra at the bottom so will continue to try and figure out what it is. However for a first attempt this has been very successful.
Here is the final graphic. Each element is significant to depicting what the NSA are doing.
The large eye represent the NSA peaking through the keyhole at the world. The eye in the centre of the circle reflects the Panopticon; a prison designed by Bentham where one guard could see every prisoner. In this situation the prisoners are the people around the edge of the circle. These people not only symbolise the American people but also the worlds population. The American stars around the edge confine the people, this symbolises the NSA keeping other countries data and records in America. The triangle represents the structure of society; very few on top controlling and surveilling those below. The bricks shows that they break the sovereignty of the home by continuing to watch us.
Monday, 27 April 2015
Product, Range and Distribution - Part 2: Poster Ideas
I have had a few ideas for posters in the campaign. Below shows them all scribbled down.
I have been trying to think about what would get through to people the most. I had an idea for a range of 'The NSA knows...' posters. The posters would state something embarrassing or private that you may search online or send and then underneath it would say '...the NSA knows'. People tend to react to things more when it actually involves them, I think if most people knew that the NSA passes around nude pictures they come across whilst surveilling us they would be furious. This poster range would perhaps hit home harder as people would relate it to what they do, each poster could explore a different area that the NSA have access to. I have already compiled a list here, so can use it to pick out key sections.
I don't know if it would work as a poster but I quite like the idea of a line between public and private being blurred. This could work well as a gif so that the line gets more and more blurry. This again, really links in well with the idea of them sharing naked pictures without permission as it is totally disregarding privacy.
The idea of using redacted lines could work with the logo as an extra element. They are used to retract information and keep certain details out the publics knowledge, mainly for privacy reasons. The lines again could work as a gif revealing text underneath - It would be nice if this could reveal my 3 word slogan like 'Stop Surveilling Society'.
An image or illustration of a wallpapered wall in someones house. A man in a suit resembling the NSA is wearing a suit that matches the wallpaper; he is camouflaged. This is a strong idea as it has the potential to be quite sinister, the caption 'They don't have to be in your home to be watching you' would fit with the image and also act as a reminder that people are watching what you do online. However I think this idea will be hard to execute well, I can't think of a way of producing it which will have a hard hitting affect on the audience, perhaps just a hand drawn image would suffice. A hand drawn image would be a good change from something digital, especially with this brief where it is all about technology and the digital world.
This was another idea of Obama held up on strings like a puppet. This idea came from two sources: firstly the song lyrics in Ronald Reagan by Killer Mike and secondly what Glenn Greenwald said in an AMA.
Just an employee of the country's real masters
Just like the Bushes, Clinton and Obama
Just another talking head telling lies on teleprompters"
"One of the most darkly hilarious things to watch is how government apologists and media servants are driven by total herd behavior: they all mindlessly adopt the same script and then just keep repeating it because they see others doing so and, like parrots, just mimic what they hear."
Both of these sources argue that those who are seen to be in control actually aren't. They are saying what they are told to say whether this is true or not it makes an interesting point and could make an interesting poster. I think again this design would have its limitations and problems. Firstly having to illustrate Obama so that it is recognisably Obama would be hard. To combat this I could create a range of puppets but with a blank face, the suit could be made out of the flag of the country it is representing.
Just another talking head telling lies on teleprompters"
"One of the most darkly hilarious things to watch is how government apologists and media servants are driven by total herd behavior: they all mindlessly adopt the same script and then just keep repeating it because they see others doing so and, like parrots, just mimic what they hear."
Both of these sources argue that those who are seen to be in control actually aren't. They are saying what they are told to say whether this is true or not it makes an interesting point and could make an interesting poster. I think again this design would have its limitations and problems. Firstly having to illustrate Obama so that it is recognisably Obama would be hard. To combat this I could create a range of puppets but with a blank face, the suit could be made out of the flag of the country it is representing.
Product, Range and Distribution - Part 2: Campaign Pack
I have begun to plan out what designs I need to create for the Campaign. So far I have decided on:
• Small stickers that can go over the computer camera
• A range of posters to raise awareness
• A tote bag (I can make support packs that people can buy or I could give away. The bag could hold it all)
• Badges
• Tshirt
• Info book that would explain more.
• An app
This is a wide range of products that will really help visually to establish my campaign. Now I really need to fine tune my campaign so I know exactly what the point is.
I want to think of a catchy three word slogan which I can print onto bags and badges etc... something that would really sum up the campaign. Something like:
• Stop Surveillance Society
• Stop Surveilling Society
• No To Surveillance
• Don't Watch Us
• They Are Watching
I think once I have a strong slogan it will kick the designing process off.
• Small stickers that can go over the computer camera
• A range of posters to raise awareness
• A tote bag (I can make support packs that people can buy or I could give away. The bag could hold it all)
• Badges
• Tshirt
• Info book that would explain more.
• An app
This is a wide range of products that will really help visually to establish my campaign. Now I really need to fine tune my campaign so I know exactly what the point is.
I want to think of a catchy three word slogan which I can print onto bags and badges etc... something that would really sum up the campaign. Something like:
• Stop Surveillance Society
• Stop Surveilling Society
• No To Surveillance
• Don't Watch Us
• They Are Watching
I think once I have a strong slogan it will kick the designing process off.
Sunday, 26 April 2015
Product, Range and Distribution: Killer Mike - Reagan
It was suggested to me that I watch Killer Mike - Reagan. A music video criticising the American government and they way it runs. The song, both visually and lyrically is very thought provoking. I especially love how the video only uses the colours red, blue and white (and black) to symbolise the American flag. Stars, stripes and Eye of Providence's are used regularly throughout the video. Throughout the rap they play samples of Ronald Reagan speaking about trading weapons for hostages, this really adds depth to the song by reminding people what actually happened. Below is the video and lyrics, I have highlighted points I find interesting or that perhaps give me an idea for the campaign.
Our government has a firm policy not to capitulate to terrorist demands. That no-concessions policy remains in force, despite the wildly speculative and false stories about arms for hostages and alleged ransom payments, we did not, repeat, did not trade weapons or anything else for hostages, nor will we
[Verse 1]
The ballot or the bullet, some freedom or some bullshit
Will we ever do it big, or keep just settling for little shit?
We brag on having bread, but none of us are bakers
We all talk having greens, but none of us own acres
If none of us own acres, and none of us grow wheat
Then who will feed our people when our people need to eat
So it seems our people starve from lack of understanding
Cause all we seem to give them is some balling and some dancing
And some talking about our car and imaginary mansions
We should be indicted for bullshit we inciting
Hand the children death and pretend that it's exciting
We are advertisements for agony and pain
We exploit the youth, we tell them to join a gang
We tell them dope stories, introduce them to the game
Just like Oliver North introduced us to cocaine
In the 80's when the bricks came on military planes
[Sample: Ronald Reagan]
A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not
[Verse 2]
The end of the Reagan Era, I'm like 'leven, twelve, or
Old enough to understand the shit'll change forever
They declared the war on drugs like a war on terror
But it really did was let the police terrorize whoever
But mostly black boys, but they would call us "niggers"
And lay us on our belly, while they fingers on they triggers
They boots was on our head, they dogs was on our crotches
And they would beat us up if we had diamonds on our watches
And they would take our drugs and money, as they pick our pockets
I guess that that's the privilege of policing for some profit
But thanks to Reaganomics, prisons turned to profits
Cause free labor is the cornerstone of US economics
Cause slavery was abolished, unless you are in prison
You think I am bullshitting, then read the 13th Amendment
Involuntary servitude and slavery it prohibits
That's why they giving drug offenders time in double digits
Ronald Reagan was an actor, not at all a factor
Just an employee of the country's real masters
Just like the Bushes, Clinton and Obama
Just another talking head telling lies on teleprompters
If you don't believe the theory, then argue with this logic
Why did Reagan and Obama both go after Qaddafi
We invaded sovereign soil, going after oil
Taking countries is a hobby paid for by the oil lobby
Same as in Iraq, and Afghanistan
And Ahmadinejad say they coming for Iran
They only love the rich, and how they loathe the poor
If I say any more they might be at my door
(Shh..) Who the fuck is that staring in my window
Doing that surveillance on Mr. Michael Render
I'm dropping off the grid before they pump the lead
I leave you with four words: I'm glad Reagan dead
Covered: Refining the Bookcover
I have been trying to alter the book cover. The problem with the last cover was that the type didn't stand out amounst the sheep. This was because of two reasons; firstly the sheep were too big taking away the attention, secondly the type wasn't powerful enough. It didn't stand out or grab the viewers attention like a book cover should.
To combat the size of the sheep I made them all a lot smaller so it created more of a repeat pattern. This has immediately made the text a lot clearer. However it still doesn't look like a book title.
The type looks too far spread out. It is hard to reach and Avenir and Goudy do not work together.
Having Good and Evil along the same line has helped the type to fit better together.
Goudy has been the font of choice with bold for 'good' and 'evil' and italic for for the ampersand and other text.
Keeping the box doesn't work as it looks very one sided.
Back to the original line across words a lot better. The smaller sheep combined with the new type composition works well to create an interesting and legible book cover. The typeface Goudy represents the classic book by creating a traditional design aesthetic. The use of the extra large ampersand draws the eye in to the intricate letter form and reinforces the fact that it is good and evil. Combining italic and bold works in favour of the type hierarchy, the bold catches your eye first and the italic compliments nicely. The composition of the type has kept it all central meaning the viewers eye is kept in the centre.
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