Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Brief 2 - Design Principles - What is a Book? : 10 Questions and Original Questions

Questions OUGD404

Readability and Legibility
  1. 1.    How far can the typography be kerned for it to still be easily readable?
  2. 2.    What page layout makes text most pleasant to read?
  3. 3.    Do serifs actually make body copy easier to read?
  4. 4.    Why do different fonts have different kerning’s even when they are the same point size?
  5. 5.    Why are the suggested point sizes the numbers they are?

  1. 1.     Why do colours imply certain emotions?
  2. 2.     How does colour affect design? Does it make it more powerful or less powerful than black and white?
  3. 3.    Why do people relate certain colours to certain signs/warnings? e.g. red is danger.
  4. 4.    How do we know we are all seeing the same colour?
  5. 5.    How does colour change or perception to something? If something was designed in blue why would it make us feel different to if it was designed in red.


  1. what is the easiest way to create a typeface?
  2. what clarifies something as a typeface?
  3. does a typeface have to be legible?
  4. does type have to be digitally made?
  5. is there a limit to the size of the x height?

In a group we had to join our 15 questions together and pick the best 10 which would then go on to form a basis for creating our book.

  1. what are the key aspects of readability and legibility?
  2. why do serifs make body copy easier to read?
  3. how does point size and weight affect legibility?
  4. what clarifies something as a type face and font?
  5. when did script font stop being used as a main font?
  6. why do we still use point sizes?
  7. why do we have trends in colour? 
  8. what goes best with black and white design?
  9. differences between paper and screen?
  10. what is contrast in extension?
It was decided that I shall explore questions 2, 4 and 10 over the next week and then feed the research back to the group.

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