Saturday 8 February 2014

Brief 1 - Design is About Doing: Rose Sketches (Paintings and Drawings)

I began to experiment around with paints and drawing it out. Below shows the step by step to drawing and painting the rose. 

I firstly drew a rough sketch of the outline so that I had something to work with, something that gave me guidelines to stick to.

I then added darker colour the edges. This is normally a backwards way of working since with watercolour the lighter colours should be added first. However it meant I could just have water on my brush and drag the colour out from the heavier bits as seen below.

I removed some of the heavier colour by using a clean brush and just rubbing the colour off. This meant that it didn't leave a white page but just a lighter tone of the rose colour.

I wanted the paint to drip down the page to almost give the impression it was bleeding and dying.

I used a selection of waterproof pens afterwards to get some shape definition because all the colours had merged together.

After I drew the lines I then added a darker colour of paint to build it up tonally and define each section.

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