Monday 4 November 2013

Brief 2 - Alphabet Soup/ Illustrator: Final Design

On the right shows the final alphabet for brief two. After making final adjustments this has turned out a lot better than the previous one. The line weights are now equal on the stems and the letters look more in proprtion as a group. Where as previously certain letter like the 'a' looked to big and the 'g' didn't sit right. 

The letters that have no curved lines like the z, x and v were previously plain and didn't fit in. Now one line from each letter has been made bold to resemble the thickness into fine detail.

Overall this final alphabet has turned out well because it works as a set yet individually each letter is legible and works singly by its own right. Below shows an example of the type in use to show it is readable as a typeface. If I had more time I would like to edit a few of the letters. The 'h' would be more curved at the top rather than straight. The 'j' could be a lot smoother with its curve along with the 'r' which seems to have the same problem. 

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