Tuesday 15 April 2014

Brief 4 - Speaking from Experience: Rejigged Layout

Below shows the new layout on the left compared to the old layout on the right. As you can see the page has become a lot neater and clearer as well as nicer to look out. The bluey green background paired with the cream makes a nicer contrast and isn't as strong as the white on green. Having the pages white means that the information stands in its own; the page doesn't look smaller and the type doesn't look squished.

Here shows the first draft of the hotdog fold. All the pages work within the same theme and although it is information heavy it doesn't look overpowering. The poster will go on the back (below). I still need to find another type of crit to fill the bottom gap and I may need to put a fuller paragraph onto the poster. However it is definitely getting there.

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