Wednesday 23 October 2013

Brief 2 - Alphabet Soup/ Illustrator: Creating the Alphabet

As you can see by the first screen shot, I have started with the font Garamond in Illustrator. The first thing that was done was to highlight the text and create outlines. This turned the letter into an object which meant all its anchors were editable so parts could be deleted or added to. The bottom serif was removed so that the curve of the bowl followed up into the line of the stem. This is partially to create the shape of a musical instrument. 


Above shows how the curvature live was uneven, on the right it has been adjusted so it is thinner and neater. The whole stem has decreased in size to show the fine and precise element to my concept. Next the bowl and counter will be lifter up so the letter doesn't sink as much but rather sits straight on a baseline. I will then work with this technique for each letter.

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