Thursday, 1 May 2014

Brief 4 - Speaking From Experience: Poster Information Outcome.

After the Final Crit it was suggested I made a poster with all the information on just to stick on the first years wall. This didn't take too long as the colour scheme, type faces and general aesthetic had already been decided. The one thing that was a bit harder was trying to fit all the information comfortably on one page.

I did a few quick sketches to try and figure out the best way to present the information. I considered dividing the page up into quarters but decided that it would be best to have them all in set rows.

As you can see I have kept the colour and fonts and all the same information just rejigged the layout. I am happy with the outcome of this poster. I don't think it is too hard to read even though it is text heavy. Two lines separate each section nicely and the crit happens circle pulls the colour from the sub headings. Although there is a lot of information on this poster it is easy to pick out what piece of information you need. Overall I think it is quite pleasant on the eye and probably the most suitable way to present the information. Before the first years arrive I will print it on card so that it is a bit more durable.