Monday, 30 September 2013

Introduction Brief (How to...)

Our 'How to..' Brief is on 'how to find a job as a student'. Today began by looking at a few key categories:

 1. Job Profile 
      - CV
      - Appearance
      - General First Impression

2.  Quick Money
      - Easy ways to make money without have to have a set job.

3.  Student Jobs
      - The best jobs for students and where to apply or search.

These were seen as the three main categories because they covered most areas. It would also be good to have a smaller things such as a scale showing the ratio between the amount of hours at UNI and the amount of hours you should work.

Above is a mind map of initial thoughts and the natural progression of our ideas. Mind mapping was a good idea because it allowed us to get all our thoughts onto paper whilst also providing inspiration for new concepts. This session was really useful as it gave us a good list of what we would need to research and different possibilities for producing a final project.

When it came to creating a final outcome we decided we wanted to make something interactive so that it was different to the bog standard flyers and posters that just blend in. We began looking into making something 3D that would be practical as well as intriguing. Originally working with the idea of origami,  we decided to create a paper fortune teller, which seems to be quite fitting with the idea of employment.

Above is a rough draft of the paper fortune teller and how it would potentially work. The outside triangles would have questions which would relate to answers on the inside. However the whole thing would fold out so that one side would be a geometric mix for the game and the other side would be a poster with more information. 

This would work well as a concept because it gives students something quirky and eye catching that they could play around with. It wouldn't be like another flyer that gets thrown immediately into the bin. It gives them something physical that they can gage with and also remember. 

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Introduction Brief: Problems with Leeds

On the 27th of September we got together in pairs and created a list of 20 problems either with Leeds or the college. Initially it seemed like a simple task but when it came to thinking of 20 separate problems it became quite difficult.

We then got placed with another pair who had created their own list. The lists were joined together and then narrowed down from 40 to 20. We did this another time in a group of 8 until we ended up with 20 key problems. The point of this was to have a final list of problems that the majority of us had found. It removed smaller problems and left us with the main 20.

In our new groups of 8 we swapped lists with another group and had to narrow it down to a list of 10 problems from the ones they had chosen. We then had to make sense of what they had written and make it coherent.                                      Because Graphic Design is about finding creative ways to solve problems and also interpret what others have said this task fits nicely with trying to distinguish what is actually a problem and how it could be solved.